
Application of Comprehensive Geophysical Exploration on Buried Faults in front of Mountain: A Case Study of West Luanxian Fault

  • 摘要: 以山前隐伏断裂——滦县西断裂探测为例,提出以浅层地震反射波法为主,结合高密度电阻率法加以佐证的综合地球物理勘探方法组合模式,结果揭示滦县西断裂在剖面上显示高倾角正断层,结合跨断层钻孔联合地质剖面探测验证结果,通过对滦县西断裂的探测证明该套地球物理方法应用于山前隐伏断裂的探测效果良好,为城市国土空间规划、重大工程建设、抗震设防等提供了必要的地球物理依据和地质保障。


    Abstract: Taking the detection of west Luanxian fault as an example, this paper puts forward a combination mode of comprehensive geophysical exploration method, which is mainly based on shallow seismic reflection wave method and supported by high density resistivity method. Through the verification results of cross-fault drilling combined with geological section detection, it is proved that this set of geophysical methods can achieve good application results in the detection of buried faults in front of mountain, and provide sufficient and necessary geophysical basis and geological guarantee for urban land space planning, major engineering construction and seismic fortification. It also shows the importance of scientific application of comprehensive geophysical exploration methods in the detection of buried faults in the piedmont.


