
Tectonic Stress Field in Central Area of Shandong Province with Composite Focal Mechanism Method

  • 摘要: 利用双差定位法对鲁中地区2008年3月15日至2019年8月23日发生的1 402个地震进行重定位,获得了820个地震的精确位置,重定位后地震位置空间误差显著减小;采用重定位地震的5 048个P(Pn)波初动符号,运用综合震源机制解法计算了鲁中地区0.25°×0.25°网格的构造应力场,结果显示:P轴总体上倾角较小且方向上呈现逆时针旋转特性,从研究区北部的NWW-SEE向往南逐渐变为NEE-SWW向;而T轴方位由北往南从NNE-SSW逐渐过渡到NNW-SSE,并有部分区域T轴方位一致性较差且倾角较大;最后分别对研究区内济阳坳陷、鲁西隆起、郯庐断裂带的应力场特征进行了分析。


    Abstract: Using the double difference positioning method, 1 402 earthquakes occurred on March 15, 2008 solstice and August 23, 2019 in the middle Shandong area are relocated, and the exact locations of 820 earthquakes were obtained. The tectonic stress field of 0.25°×0.25° grid in Luzhong area was calculated by using the composite focal mechanism method on basis of 5 048 P (Pn) wave initial motion symbols. The results show that the overall dip of the P-axis is small and it’s direction shows counterclockwise rotation characteristics: from north to south it gradually changes to NEE-SWW direction, while the T-axis direction gradually transitioned from NNE-SSW to NNW-SSE and the T-axis azimuth consistency in some areas is poor and the dip is large. Finally, the stress field characteristics of Jiyang Depression, Western Shandong Rise and Tan-Lu fault zone are analyzed.


