Characteristic and Mechanism Analysis of Ground Fissures in Longyao
摘要: 隆尧地裂缝是邢台地区规模最大的地裂缝,它给上百户村民的屋舍造成不同程度的损毁,严重影响当地村民的生产生活,威胁他们的生命及财产安全。在开展野外调查、测绘和监测的工作基础上,从地裂缝的形变特征分析其成因,认为:隆尧地裂缝主要是由地下水位下降引起地表不均匀沉降所致,但不排除隐伏在隆尧地区深部的断裂带活动的影响。该调查结果也可以为当地新农村建设规划提供依据。Abstract: The ground fissures in Longyao County are the largest in Hebei Xingtai area,which have damaged hundred houses of the local villagers in varying degree and greatly threaten the production and life of the local people. We carried out a field survey, mapping and monitoring work in this area and study the appearance and deforming features of the ground fissures. The results show that the ground cracks in Longyao County are mainly caused by uneven settlement caused by ground water level fall, but, the affection of the buried faults cannot be excluded. Our investigations may provide reference for local resident to construct new countryside.